Recently Registered Tutors

View our recently registered teachers who started their teaching with us.

Ranjan Sharma

6 – 9 Years experience

Coding, Computers, Full Stack Developer, HTML & CSS, Web Development
₹800 / hr

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Why Choose Us?

You are our asset, so you are our highest priority.

Free Registration

Unlike other platforms, we will never take commission from you. No registration fees and no commission cut.

Monetize and earn at your terms by teaching and transferring your passion to a wide audience of eager learners.

Worldwide Students

Connect and teach students from all over the world. These contacts can be highly useful late on in life.

Opportunity to engage with diverse students worldwide, facilitating cultural exchange and providing valuable intercultural experience.

Anytime, Anywhere.

You can work from anywhere in the world, in the most comfy clothes you like from the comfort of your home.

You choose when to conduct a class, from where to conduct a class, and how much to earn from the classes.

Grow Teaching Business

We bring the teaching requests and learners to you so that you can concentrate on your teaching and business.

Reach a broader audience worldwide. Teachers focus on teaching, while administrative tasks are managed by Kidz101 platform.

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